Nursery activities

  • Childcare in the heart of Hillsborough

    Offering inclusive provision for all children, regardless of their background, ethnicity, or capabilities.
  • Example 1

    Children enjoy painting, planting seeds in the garden, and singing nursery rhymes together.

  • Example 2

    Children delight in building with blocks, exploring sensory bins, and listening to captivating story time adventures.

  • Early Years Foundation Stages

    Providing a learning environment focused on play
  • We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), by providing a learning environment focused upon play where all individual children are encouraged to develop to their full potential in all areas of learning.

    Qualified Early Years Practitioners use their knowledge and experience of child development to observe and listen to the individual child to ensure that their needs are being met and to enable us to plan activities and experiences to encourage and enhance their learning.

  • We are committed to implementing practice which focuses on the five Every Child Matters outcomes, which are:-
    • Staying safe

    • Keeping healthy

    • Enjoying and achieving

    • Making positive contributions

    • Achieving economic well being

  • Recent activities

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