Once we have received your childcare bond, we will confirm the allocation of a place for your child.
You will receive:
- A confirmation letter detailing when your child’s settling in visits will begin
- Two parental agreements forms (one of which must be signed/dated and returned to the Nursery)
- A Registration Form, which includes information including name/address, sessions attending, parental contact information including parental responsibility, emergency contact details, medical conditions/allergies, and consents.
- A Children’s Information Form which includes more detailed information about your child, including dietary requirements, nappy changing/toileting and daily routines.
Every child starting at Osborne House Community Nursery is entitled to five free hours of settling in visits, prior to the child’s proposed start date.
These visits are highly recommended to help your child with the transition of entering a new environment.
A tailored approach to settling in…
Practitioners will discuss with you how best to manage your child’s transition into Nursery, using the first visit as an indicator. For example your child may need regular short visits prior to their start date or they may adapt to the new environment with confidence therefore only requiring two or three longer visits. Each child entering the nursery will be treated as an individual and the transition will be adapted to meet their needs.
Mothers/fathers/carers are encouraged to stay for the first settling in visit, which is recommended to last no longer than one hour.
You will be introduced to your child’s Key Person and the other carers in your child’s room.
Settling-in visits sheets will be completed to document how your child is adapting to these visits.
If after the five hours of free settling in your child needs subsequent settling in time, this can be arranged and you will be invoiced by the hourly rate.
Mothers/fathers/carers are encouraged to phone the nursery to speak to the practitioners directly involved in the care of their children during these settling in visits.
Soothers – for example dummies, favourite toys, blankets are encouraged within the Nursery, as these help the child to feel comforted in new surroundings.
Staff at Osborne House are approachable, open and friendly. Most importantly they have formed a great relationship with our daughter too. Crucially, during the recent difficult circumstances of the pandemic, we have been well informed and kept up to date with safeguarding and rollout of health and safety practices. Would happily recommend it without any doubt.
Having had a baby during the pandemic we were left in the situation of trying to pick a nursery without being able to tour any. From the outset the communications with Osborne House Community Nursery have been reassuring, informative and friendly.
Our boys always come home from nursery seeming really happy and chatty after a fun filled day! The staff are so lovely and they use the Tapestry App so we get to see great photos and descriptions of their development and what they get up to. We chose Osborne House because it’s smaller than some other nurseries and we got a lovely feel about the place when we initially looked round.
Ensuring a smooth transition
We work in partnership with other agencies and services for the benefit of all our children and their families.